Peugeot 205 Si
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Does anyone know a good drive shaft place...
Some more progress
It might not get the car moving, but it looks good...
I know this is a common problem...,
306 S16
Is there a proper way to get the hubs to let go of the struts?
205 Si vs 306 S16
Out comes the front end
"You can keep it here, as long as it is on wheels"
205 Si Workshop cam
"Great basis for a competition car project"
"Mixed Peugeot 205 GTi parts" «
"cheap after market arms complete with bushes"
"without too much hassle"
"it lived in Orange all its life, on a farm"
"body is fair, perfect for a race car"
205si or N3 306?
Mixed 205 GTi parts acquired
I wonder if they'll be useful for anything...?